"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

Murder we wrote

  • Team’s name: "Los Topis"
  • Integrants:

Topacio Campos Muñoz (http://toppyworld.blogspot.com/)
Yuliana Sáchez Camporredondo (http://www.llule.blogspot.com/)
Aitza Terán Roldán (http://www.aitzateran.blogspot.com/)
Armando Amor González (http://www.blogspot.com/)

  • Roles "Murder We Wrote":

The Math Expert: Yuliana
The Media Expert: Armando
The Journalist: Topacio
The Forensic Scientist: Aitza

  • Questions:

1. What is forensic science?

Forensic science is the application of science and scientific knowledge to questions which are of interest to the legal system as well as social sciences such as archeology.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?

Fingerprints, footprints, DNA, time of death, toothmarks, physical evidence, etc.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because knowing the time of death allows the investigator to determine if the possible murderer/ suspect is guilty or not, or together with the other evidences to determine who the murderer was. Time of death can be determined by the body’s temperature, muscles hardening or the insects living in the corpse.

4. Write a short paragraph about what you think is the GOAL or MAIN objective of the final project.
We think that this project "Murder we Wrote" seeks to motivate us, as students to learn more about the applications of mathemathics and how it can be related to other areas of study such as biology or forensic science among others; to notice that there’s plenty of maths out there and we can actually be part of them if we like. And it can be very interesting and funny indeed.

2 comentarios:

Ing. Linda Licon dijo...

Nice job...

I hope you can make Armando work... he is a nice guy, but he needs someone to be pushing him...

See you

Ing. Linda Licon dijo...

Hey Aitza... you copied/pasted Topacio´s research... that is not allowed...

I want you to actually read the sites I am recommending...