"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"

sábado, 21 de abril de 2007


Gracias a Dios esta semana ya termino, fue super estresante todo el mes!!, ayer acabamos de terminar los examenes y de nuevo troneee mateee =( , todo mi promedio parcial bajoo, de echo este semestre es el peor que eh tenido en mi viidaaa!! en fin falta 1 semana para salir de clases y despues examenes finales!! sera intensoo! solo espero pasar matee!! y que me vaya bien en las demas materias.. a estas alturass ya no puedo renunciar aunque quisiera!!

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2007


What a week, the Ceneval weeek!!!
It was so stresed out that week, lots of homeworks and activities, I have nooo time for me! I mean I never have but that week was like one of the worst in TEC! anyway.. I think I'll do fine in Ceneval even though I didn't study, It was easiest as I thought, that doesnt mean that it was easy though ¬¬, right know Im about to leave to hermosillo to take a flight to Mexico full of nerve!! I hope Ill do fine there but Im also stressed beacause I dont want to miss classes! Today I made a part of my Toefl and I dont think I'll do well not even OK because I was so tired, I had headache and couldn't answer many reactives because I ran out of time! so sad!! anyway!! I gotta go noow!
this was my week! =)

domingo, 4 de marzo de 2007

Part 4

Chart of Gantt for "Murder we wrote" Activities




















Final D.


















Final D.





Activities and person in charge

- Maths: do all the maths (Yuliana)

- Forensic Science: analyze the forensic science (Aitza)

- Dialogues (first draft): start writting the scenes and the dialogues of the movie (Topacio)

- Dialogues (final draft): do the corrections to the first draft (Topacio)

- Pictures: to take pictures that will be useful for the movie (Armando)

- Film: to film the scenes of the movie (Armando)

- Edit and burn: edit the movie to guarantee quality and burn it in a dvd (Armando)

* Present: to present the movie to the teacher (all)

* All the memebers of the team will participate in each activity, the person in parenthesis is only the one who will be in charge of that activity.

lunes, 26 de febrero de 2007

Part 3

1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?

It is the change of temperature of an object influenced by the rate of temperature from the surrounding environment.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’s Law of Cooling?

The times “T”, the environments temperature “Yt”, the constant “C” value and “K” value.

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?

According to the information, between 8:47pm and 8:55pm

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?

The time of death change depending to the temperature of the room or environment, when the room is cooler more heat looses the body and when its warmer it’s easiest to get the time of death of the body.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?

When the body had suffered from fever or have injuries it influence the temperature of the body and those facts can change the whole procedure to get the time of death, so those facts have to be in consideration in order to get the right time of death.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling for predicting the time of death?

I think it gives you a very close approximation of the time of death if you have all the data right, cause in order to find an exact time of death you have to consider even the minimum thing to make it right.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007


4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
To estimate the time of death forensic scientists commonly use the following 2 methods:

1. The rate method: Which consist in measure the changes of the corpes produced by a process which takes place at a known rate that was either initiated or stopped by the event under investigation. (Rigor mortis, body temperature, body putrefaction)

2. The concurrence method: Is a comparison between the occurrence event which took place at known times and the time of occurrence of the event under investigation. (digestion)

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?

*There is consider the body temperature estimations.
*The Intra-abdominal temperature or by rectum.
*The environmental temperature.
*Where the body is laid, if is a cold surface and also influence if the cloth the body wears is wet.

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?

  1. The size of the body: It depends on the mass of the body, if it is a small body it will lose heat more quickly than a bigger body.
  2. Clothing and Covering: These slow down the cooling of the body, and when naked is faster.
  3. Movement and humidity of the air: The movement of the air takes away the heat of the body, and accelerates its cooling. In humid air the cooling is quicker because moist air is better conductor of heat.
  4. Immersion in water: The body cools faster in water than in air because water is a better heat conductor.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body?
Do they make a difference in the results?

In a kind of way they are the same, the Algor Mortis is the one that convinced me more because it consider all the factors that can determine the time of death of a person. I think that all the factors are different ways to get to the same answer, some of them seems more complex than others and by the way some of them must be more exact than others, but at the end they’re all supposed to give approximately the same result.

lunes, 5 de febrero de 2007

Murder we wrote

  • Team’s name: "Los Topis"
  • Integrants:

Topacio Campos Muñoz (http://toppyworld.blogspot.com/)
Yuliana Sáchez Camporredondo (http://www.llule.blogspot.com/)
Aitza Terán Roldán (http://www.aitzateran.blogspot.com/)
Armando Amor González (http://www.blogspot.com/)

  • Roles "Murder We Wrote":

The Math Expert: Yuliana
The Media Expert: Armando
The Journalist: Topacio
The Forensic Scientist: Aitza

  • Questions:

1. What is forensic science?

Forensic science is the application of science and scientific knowledge to questions which are of interest to the legal system as well as social sciences such as archeology.

2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?

Fingerprints, footprints, DNA, time of death, toothmarks, physical evidence, etc.

3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
Because knowing the time of death allows the investigator to determine if the possible murderer/ suspect is guilty or not, or together with the other evidences to determine who the murderer was. Time of death can be determined by the body’s temperature, muscles hardening or the insects living in the corpse.

4. Write a short paragraph about what you think is the GOAL or MAIN objective of the final project.
We think that this project "Murder we Wrote" seeks to motivate us, as students to learn more about the applications of mathemathics and how it can be related to other areas of study such as biology or forensic science among others; to notice that there’s plenty of maths out there and we can actually be part of them if we like. And it can be very interesting and funny indeed.

sábado, 27 de enero de 2007

What a week..

Bueno pues esta semana no me fue del todo bien que digamos.. sii!! reprobe el quizz ¬¬.. siii!! OTROO!! ¬¬, lo que pasoo es que como ya les comente no entre a la ultima clase de matee la semana pasadaa.. entonces si fui a que mis amigas me explicaran y todo el showw pero a la mera hora me di cuenta de que no habia entendido del otodo bien y habian faltado cosas por explicarme.. anywaaay!! me quede despues de clasee a asesorias para resolver dudad y la vdad es que ya se me esta facilitando.. la maestra nos dejó un tarea a los reprobados para "practicar" aparte de la tarea diaria, se me hace bien que nos haya dejado la tarea pss pq en vdad para pasar la materia lo que se necesita es practicaa..

martes, 23 de enero de 2007

Since little.. a mess!!

..Probably enjoying of someone else's cake! jajajajaja!! ;*

Martin Luther King, Jr.

No habia subido esta entrada pq para serles sincera.. y aunque no me crean ¬¬ no sabia como subir una entrada =/ y la verdad esque no habia preguntado hasta ahora xD.. bueno.. demos inicio..

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Bueno, la pregunta es ¿porque pienso que la actividad empieza con esta frase?, y la verdad es que no tengo la menor idea.. talvez Linda nos puso esta frase para que la relacionaramos con no quedarnos callados cuando tenemos alguna duda en mate y cuando no la externamos nos quedamos con la duda y no aprendemos y reprobamos.. mm.. muy drastico.. pero me suena logico.. en fin, lo que si se y me inspira la frase es que cuando empezamos a ocultarnos cosas a nosotros mismos, por miedo a enfrentarlas, de alguna manera una parte interna de nosotros muere. Martin Luther King es un lider que admiro por arriesgarse y no haber tenido miedo de expresar su manera de pensar y sus sentimientos para que se hiciera justicia hacia las diferencias y discriminaciones raciales que se presentaban en esa época.

Este blog (ahora que lo se usar) pienso que me servirá aparte de postear lo que voy aprendiendo durante el curso de mate, para darme un momento en el dia o en la semana para reflexionar acerca de cosas que suceden ó simplemente compartir un dato personal. Con el tiempo eh notado que escribiendo las cosas que sentimos y pensamos en parte nos ayuda para desahogarnos de las cosas que llevamos cargando.

sábado, 20 de enero de 2007

Introducing me!

Hola!! me llamo Aitza, tengo 17 años, me encanta cantar, bailar, actuar, pero lo que hago es cantar, de echo si tuviera tiempo y la escuela no me consumiera tanto estaría en clases de las ultimas dos, ah si y estudio en el tecnologico de monterrey, Campus Ciudad Obregon.

Este blog es pricipalmente por la clase de Calculo Integral impartido por la maestra Linda Licón, aqui estare posteando cosas nuevas que iré aprendiendo durante el curso y unas que otras cosas personales =), tengo q mencionar que no soy muy buena para las mates, nunca lo eh sido pero conforme las voy "conociendo" me voy dando cuenta de su importancia, yo no tenia idea de que las mates podrian servir directamente en las empresas para calcular CON FORMULAS!! costos totales, margenes de error, cuanto pierden si esto ocurre y salir de esa situacion para "ganar ganar" ajhajhajhja!!. Se me hace muy interesante ese tipo de cosas q se aplican en la vida real y lo digo en este tema porque en verdad aunque la maestra haya dado ejemplos el semestre pasado no logro aplicar una identidad en la vida real..jajaja! es todo muy abstracto.. en fin.. no llegue a la ultima clase de la semana pero ya me dijeron que empezamos con integrales, la proxima semana les contare como me fue! y sinceramente espero que me vaya bien =P =D